"Touched By An Angel" by Martha Williamson and Robin Sheets ISBN 0-310-21397-5
I do not watch much TV and until I read this book, I never watched the series Touched by an Angel other than once. I am one who likes things to line up doctrinally. And doctrinally, the show appears to not be correct. However, when I read this book, I was 'touched'. Lives have been literally changed by the television series. It is a miracle that the show was ever on TV and that it lasted as long as it did. The book gives the background to many of the shows that were on TV. This is a very inspirational book. A great one to give to unsaved friends. And OK, some of you already knew that "Touched by an Angel" was a powerful TV series.

"Fresh Encounter" by Blackaby and King ISBN 0-8054-6368-2
Fresh Encounter-Experiencing God through Prayer, humility, and a Heartfelt Desire to know Him. I have not read much of this book yet, but I have heard great comments about it. I understand this book will truly challenge you to walk in holiness and purity.

Blackaby and King are authors of Experiencing God and Mind of Christ.

"The Transformation of the Inner Man" by John & Paula Sandford ISBN 0-932081-13-4
This book was originally written in 1982 and is still current. That is a sign of an inspired book. This is a very comprehensive book on Inner Healing. It will challenge you to deal with the past and will help you have victory over the past. If you struggle with sexual sin, performance orientation, unforgiveness, bitterness, this book will be helpful to you. Rhe authors discuss the principles of sanctification and transformation. This is not a book to be read. It is a book to be applied.

"Let No One Deceive You" by Michael L. Brown ISBN 1-56043-693X
Have you heard many within the Body of Christ criticizing the move of God's Spirit within the church? In fact calling the things of God, the works of Satan? Have you had questions about the 'revivals' that have been breaking out throughout the U.S. and other countries? What about some of the strange manifestations, emotionalism? What about Toronto and Brownsville? Is God in the midst of this or is it the enemy? Dr. Brown takes a very gracious, balanced approach to confronting those who are critics of revival. He acknowledges the excesses and 'flesh' that occurs at revival meetings, but gives a definitive amen to the moving of God. In this book, Dr. Brown graciously calls to task revival critics who propagate lies, deception, and slander to defend their positions. Hank H. on the radio may not be as sincere and honest as you might think. In fact, he himself, and others, may be the deceptive ones.

"The Fire of Delayed Answers" by Bob Sorge
If you are wondering what God is doing in your life, it seems that He has your ministry on hold, your prayers are not getting answered, you are in the desert, THEN, this book is for you. I have read this book twice and am starting on it a third time. Sorge does not give easy answers to delayed answers. However, he does give biblical principles to live by. If you are going through a spiritual fire in your life, this book may not give sudden relief to you, but it will explain what God is trying to do in your life.

Just a reminder that all of these books are great reading, but we must make decisions in our life according to the Word of God and nothing else. The Bible is the road map, these books are just sign posts.


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