The Horse And The Little Burro

In the days of the great western cattle ranches, a little burro would sometimes be harnessed to a wild horse. The two would then be turned loose together onto the desert range. Bucking and raging, the wild horse would drag and pull the little burro, throwing him like a bag of feed.

In several days, however, the two would return. The little burro would be seen first, trotting back toward the ranch with the submissive steed in tow.

Somewhere out of the wild, the horse would become exhausted in trying to free itself of the burro. In that moment, the burro became the master of the two. The slow, patient, unimportant animal became a leader over the faster , and more volatile, and more prized one.

Patient, committed, methodical, and hardworking people may find themselves the brunt of abuse from those who are more rambunctious in the workplace. But in the end, they tend to accomplish more, rise higher, and win greater respect from their colleagues and those who work under them.

Choose to be patient and quietly determined today, and tomorrow will reward you.

"Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet".

For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.  Hebrews 10:26                                                                                 

Source: God's Little Devotional Book


Richard D’Andrea Dover
In His Steps Ministries
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To the world, you may just be somebody...but to somebody, you may be the world.
Bill Wilson, Metro Ministries